Four years ago my parents moved to Torino, Italy. Since that time I have not been the same. There has since been a nagging feeling in my heart and mind that has not gone away. Starting next week, after months of preparation and networking we, Lindsey and I, begin the journey. I say this because I am going on a Vision trip to 8 cities in 13 day to discern if and how our church should engaged an almost 'unreached' (the people are primarily non-practicing catholics and 3% protestant across the continent) people group. Within that time I am hoping to clarify the Vision, not only for our church, but also for our family. This summer, depending on the outcome of this trip, Lindsey and I will look to spend a month or so in one of these places that we are visiting. Already we have huge opportunities in Italy but we need "to date before we can marry a place" (thank you Mark Driscoll).
Anyway, I know that it has been a long time since I have last posted but if you read this please:
1. pray for wisdom and discernment for those of us on the trip.
2. safety
3. Clarification of calling
4. encouragement in the gospel for the people that we meet and have meetings with.
5. pray for people, maybe even yourself, to take proactive steps toward rereaching Europe with the gospel.
6. For our guide who labor tirelessly for the Kingdom there and the organization, the upstream collective, that he works for
7. the people of Europe. Natives, the huge amount of immigrants, the human trafficking and the extremely diverse religous population all need the gospel and redemption in Christ alone.
Lastly, even in the end, if this is not the place that God has called Lindsey and I to I am looking to start a non-prof called:
Again, this continent is now, on average 3% protestant, unreached is 2%. That is why I hope to call it ReReach, to reintroduce the gospel to a dark place that once shown brightly. Most people think of Europe as the cool and easy place to be missionaries but in reality most people do not even finish there first term because of the difficulties. This is a hard place, and an expensive place, which is the reason for the non-prof- to help financially support the church of Europe for training, evangelism, resourcing, etc...
All Feedback is helpful. I am trying to decide if I want to create another blog that is entirely about Europe under the name rereach and will be eventually turned into a non-prof and to document our progress in and on the road the Lord has marked out for us.
Thanks, it is in God's hands