how do you live?
that is such a hard question these days with so many opinions. I think that often i get an idea of how it is done and it actually works but something happens to turn it upside down. How is it that we lose either conviction or commitment so fast? Why are we so prone to go back to the same things that take us down rather then when something else has taken us down and go right back to what is truth and works? I think it is all mind frame both God given, 99%, and discpline.
So its been an interesting last four months, to say the least but my whole mind frame is upside down. how sad, but how glorious. Anyway.... live in the truth knowing the hope and the conquering power of Christ is the only way. This is what i am trying to live by and i hope that God heals me from this cloud i seem to be in.
also, work hard. if you think i do, i am really lazy, i promise. ive never had to work to be successful. i just do and its good enough to be better than most, that sounds bad. What good does that do for anyone and oh how disobedient that is to the call of christ let alone a human being. I hope to be all that i can and tell me when im not...which will be often.
if you are a calvinist, you evangelize and still do missions. Those who do not are disobedient to their Lord and call Jesus 'lord.' i think it is funny that only 1900 years after christ did anything but calvinism/ the soveriegnty of God become really really popular.
think, talk, wish God because by him to him and through him are all things.
Adoption Day
12 years ago
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