Why does Christmas start in the middle of November? Because Christmas does not start until Christmas eve on DEC 24.
I am getting extremely tired of seeing Christian television anywhere on TV, get rid of it. Those people are stupid and wrong and are sending people to hell, it's like the catholic church asking for indulgences... also, who can honestly take a lady with a purple pigment seriously?!
No one should get $30 million dollars to play a game.
Someone intrigues me, which is scary.
I have no idea what to do with life.
I want to go to the woods and kill things.
I get bored easily if what I am doing has no impact.
At what point is having long obedience not obedience but just a mind made direction? Give me strength to keep the option open.
Balance in life is good, rest is necessary... even a little tv.
Adoption Day
12 years ago
1. First of all, this post made me laugh... i like your opinions... except for the Chirstmas one.
2. You do have an impact, whether you know it or not, you have an impact on a daily basis on people regardless. I really believe this.
3. I agree, TBN should be banned.
4. Purple is in this season!! :)
Love you!!
dear scrooge,
Christmas is amazing.---don't be a hater.
love, sister
so... you have no idea what to do with life eh?
it's almost like you think you deserve a play by play.
and, you are wrong, I should get 30 mil to play a game.
oh yea, I'm sad your life loses its meaning if you don't see an impact. it does have to be visible to be there. Think of kids of abuse. They don't show you they love you, but they do.
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